A Simple Guide To Finding Peace In The Chaos

Simple Guide To Finding Peace In The Chaos is a short guide that describes the key actions and tools that are required to get you through life’s darkest hours.. An Award Winning Writer & Success Coach, Pamela Ennis is a master at explaining simple principles that we often overlook to effectively change the lives of the people she coaches and who read her works. In this book she shares many of the practices and techniques that both she and her clients have used to get through the toughest times in life. If you or someone you know feel like life is getting the best of you and you need quick relief, this book is for you! If you or someone you know is dealing with unhealthy amounts of stress and need an immediate plan of action, this book is for you! If you or someone you know is struggling to find peace in the midst of the chaos of life,
Look no further, this book is for you!

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