Caribbean Casino

Katie Moore and her baby die on a small tropical island because its hospital didn’t have the necessary equipment to save them. Local politicians had stolen money earmarked for this, and Katie’s brother Alan found out. He also finds out the baby’s body was sold for medical research. Alan is the manager of a London casino and is able to steal two million pounds from it. The money is not discovered missing for a long time, as casino profit margins aren’t reliable in the short term. He decides to add a casino to a run-down hotel on the island and manage it himself. He vows to use his profits to build the missing hospital wing and to avenge the death of his sister and nephew. The colourful mob-connected owner of the London casino eventually discovers his losses, and who was responsible. He eventually tracks Alan down in the Caribbean and tries to kill him. There is plenty of action, including corrupt politicians, a paedophile Bishop, a Mexican drug cartel, a gigolo dive instructor, property scams and banking intrigue.

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