THE ART OF MEETING MANAGEMENT: A Comprehensive Guide to Manage Professional Meetings, Virtual Meeting, Events and Conventions

Half of all meetings are a waste of time – Here’s how to make sure your meetings aren’t!
According to a Clarizen/Harris Poll survey, the average American worker spends 4.5 hours every week in general status meetings, and an additional 4.6 hours preparing for these meetings.
And that’s not counting other meetings you can get called for at various times of the day..
But just 11% of survey respondents said all of their meetings were productive. And with 67% of workers saying meetings are keeping them from doing their job, why do companies still keep having them?
The thing is, meetings are essential in any organization.
Collaboration, discussion, and interaction are the lifeblood of a company’s progress and innovation.
Unfortunately, meetings can hamper these collaborations when they’re poorly planned, badly run, and haphazardly organized.
With the guidance and advice of meeting management expert J.W. Dionne, you’ll find out exactly what you have to do.

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