The Journey of Sarah Levi-Bondi

What is the meaning of one life? With simple but haunting allure, The Journey of Sarah Levi-Bondi takes you on a young girl’s journey from the Jewish ghetto in Rome in 1943 to New York City in 1961, where she struggles to honor her father’s last request of her:
Devi fare qualcosa di buono per il mondo. You have to do something good for the world.
In the face of further inequities and another heartbreaking tragedy, Sarah earns her MD-PHD degree and eventually directs the pediatric research project to cure childhood leukemia at Rockefeller University.
After two successful trial treatments, President Gerald Ford and the U.S. government make an unfathomable request of Sarah and her treatment team to treat the grandson of the Nazi criminal who arranged the transport of more than 1,000 Jews, including her family, to Auschwitz in 1943, where they were all sent to the gas chambers upon arrival.

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