Viola Changeling

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“The benefit of living in a small town and working at its only bar was the fact that Viola tended to notice things. Eighteen years of life on the run, hunted by shadows and defending her Changeling brother, had taught her well. Pipe Valley was such a small town, and full of so few people, that she’d become magnificently good at fading into the background. She liked to think that she noticed most things.
So she probably should have noticed the three strangers.”
Viola Livingstone wakes on the morning of her twenty-first birthday, surprised to be alive. She’s spent the majority of her life on the run with her brother, Matty, hiding from the dangerous world of the fae and the gangs of human magic-users who rule their realm. Now, a chance encounter with a mysterious trio of strangers in small-town Pipe Valley will question everything she knows.

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